Tom Ford’s Five Rules for a Gentleman

Now don’t get me wrong, Tom Ford is obviously a good designer and his brand is pretty good – but he’s been let down by a piss poor commercial, high street showing. When Debenhams is stocking your goods you know you’ve gone too far and sold out to the almight dollar.

But he knows how to be a top geezer:

1. You should put on the best version of yourself when you go out in the world because that is a show of respect to the other people around you.

2. A gentleman today has to work. People who do not work are so boring and are usually bored. You have to be passionate, you have to be engaged and you have to be contributing to the world.

3. Manners are very important and actually knowing when things are appropriate. I always open doors for women, I carry their coat, I make sure that they’re walking on the inside of the street. Stand up when people arrive at and leave the dinner table.

4. Don’t be pretentious or racist or sexist or judge people by their background.

5. A man should never wear shorts in the city. Flip-flops and shorts in the city are never appropriate. Shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or on the beach.

The only one I kind of disagree with is number 5, it gets hot in the city Mr Ford and the sweatiness of my balls is quite a high priority.

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